first stage boot failure on PCengines APU 2C4
(too old to reply)
O. Hartmann
2018-06-17 07:59:21 UTC
Hash: SHA512

Running CURRENT as routing and firewalling appliance on a PCengines APU 2C4 with the
latest (official) SEABios available for this product, NanoBSD (FreeBSD CURRENT FreeBSD
12.0-CURRENT #60 r335278: Sun Jun 17 07:57:20 CEST 2018 amd64)is unable to boot recent
OS at the first stage (GPT partitioning, SD card memory).

Last known good image without boot issues is FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT #52 r335222: Fri Jun 15
20:24:41 CEST 2018 amd64.

The issue is revealing itself by showing nothing but a static screen telling it is
booting from hard disk where usually the rotating indicator popps up.
Booting the APUwith my installation USB device and "gpart -b pmbr -p /boot/gptboot -i 2
mmcsd0" - which is a quite old image from December 2017 by the way, made the SD card
booting again - with r335278 now properly.

At the very moment, I do not dare to check whether the bootcode is broken on those boxes
I boot via MBR/GPTBOOT.

Can someone give me some hints how to check this further or is this issue already known?

Kind regards,


- --
O. Hartmann

Ich widerspreche der Nutzung oder Übermittlung meiner Daten für
Werbezwecke oder für die Markt- oder Meinungsforschung (§ 28 Abs. 4 BDSG).
Olivier Cochard-Labbé
2018-06-18 08:59:27 UTC
Post by O. Hartmann
Hash: SHA512
Running CURRENT as routing and firewalling appliance on a PCengines APU 2C4 with the
latest (official) SEABios available for this product, NanoBSD (FreeBSD CURRENT FreeBSD
12.0-CURRENT #60 r335278: Sun Jun 17 07:57:20 CEST 2018 amd64)is unable to boot recent
OS at the first stage (GPT partitioning, SD card memory).
My nanobsd images are based on :
[***@apu2]~# uname -a
FreeBSD apu2 12.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT r335286M amd64

And I don't remember to have upgraded its BIOS:
[***@apu2]~# kenv smbios.bios.reldate
[***@apu2]~# kenv smbios.system.product

But I'm using MBR partitionning on a mSATA disk.

Warner Losh
2018-06-18 13:42:20 UTC
Post by Olivier Cochard-Labbé
Post by O. Hartmann
Hash: SHA512
Running CURRENT as routing and firewalling appliance on a PCengines APU 2C4 with the
latest (official) SEABios available for this product, NanoBSD (FreeBSD CURRENT FreeBSD
12.0-CURRENT #60 r335278: Sun Jun 17 07:57:20 CEST 2018 amd64)is unable
Post by O. Hartmann
boot recent
OS at the first stage (GPT partitioning, SD card memory).
FreeBSD apu2 12.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT r335286M amd64
But I'm using MBR partitionning on a mSATA disk.
Do you know the first version to have this problem? Are you using geli?

O. Hartmann
2018-06-18 15:49:06 UTC
Hash: SHA512

Am Mon, 18 Jun 2018 07:42:20 -0600
Post by Warner Losh
Post by Olivier Cochard-Labbé
Post by O. Hartmann
Hash: SHA512
Running CURRENT as routing and firewalling appliance on a PCengines APU
2C4 with the
latest (official) SEABios available for this product, NanoBSD (FreeBSD
12.0-CURRENT #60 r335278: Sun Jun 17 07:57:20 CEST 2018 amd64)is unable
Post by O. Hartmann
boot recent
OS at the first stage (GPT partitioning, SD card memory).
FreeBSD apu2 12.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT r335286M amd64
But I'm using MBR partitionning on a mSATA disk.
Do you know the first version to have this problem? Are you using geli?

if you addressed me (wasn't so clear from your reply on Olivier Cochard-Labbé's
reply to me), I could give you this information (I posted it to Allen Jude in response to

svn commit: r335254 - in head/stand/i386: libi386 zfsboot

probably the wrong commit. Please allow me to copy-paste:


I realised that CURRENT r335222 from Friday, 10th June 2018 booted without problems
(NanoBSD, slightly modified to boot off GPT/UEFI partitions, but in general a simple
"gpart bootcode -b pmbr -p /boot/gptboot -i 2 mmcsd0" preparation of a dd'd image).
Another try with recent r335282 on a APU 2C4, freshly build NanoBSD, fails to boot
firststage: the (most recent) SEABios stopps for ever at telling "Booting from hard
disk"; were usually a carret starts to spinn there is vast emptyness. Preparing the boot
partition with an older bootcode on that very same SD card via "gpart bootcode -b pmbr
- - -p /boot/gptboot -i 2 mmcsd0" with an older booted image of CURRENT has solved the
problem. The layout of the SD card is as follows, just for the record:

#: gpart show mmcsd0
=> 40 60751792 mmcsd0 GPT (29G)
40 1024 2 freebsd-boot (512K)
1064 2205944 3 freebsd-ufs (1.1G)
2207008 2210127 4 freebsd-ufs (1.1G)
4417135 1048576 5 freebsd-ufs (512M)
5465711 55286121 - free - (26G)


I didn't bi-sect the issue du to time constraints, but if it helps, I could try. I
resolved the problem temporarely by writing the bootcode and partition code from an older

The APU is serial console only.

Kind regards,

Oliver Hartmann

- --
O. Hartmann

Ich widerspreche der Nutzung oder Übermittlung meiner Daten für
Werbezwecke oder für die Markt- oder Meinungsforschung (§ 28 Abs. 4 BDSG).